Sunday, June 9

Do it yourself - saves time

THERE are some people in life you can rely on, others simply promise but fail to deliver. An example - we had new windows, doors and conservatory windows fitted, not by a Greek, but what seemed a hard working Romanian.
  We were pleased with the results, even told friends. Any small problem call and I shall be there to fix. Good claims, in reality - rubbish. At first small problems he did fix, but when one window seems to be falling off the frame, we waited and waited.
  Phone calls, promises of coming the next day, all failed. Weeks and then months went by, we could never open the window in case it fell out. This week called again, I will be there tomorrow night - Nothing. It was not as if we had not asked also for some fencing on the terrace to be made - more  money for him - Nothing again.
  In desperation we climbed up to see what was the problem, baffled by a single screw which seemed not to fit any hole, we persevered. Looked at other windows to see the construction and eventually found the solution after a great deal of stress.
  If he ever bothers to turn up he will find two angry people and he will leave knowing service is his reputation

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